“This is a divine union of sacred prayer with layers of pure vocal harmonic richness and tone, transcending logic, culture and creed. In short, if the Heavens DO sing, I feel sure they would sound something like this
” Carmella Bainey, singer
“This record captures the strength and beauty of Ven. Robina’s voice. Her devotion to her lamas and to the wisdom of the Buddha’s teachings permeates every note. And Yantra’s arrangements and sound design create a space-like celestial cathedral. The result is a lush meeting of East and West to move the heart and soothe the mind.” Pearly Black, Australian performing artist and voice teacher
“A gorgeous and sacred work of ancient text and song using the purity of voices to transport the listener to their own inner temple. This music is pure medicine for the soul, bringing grounding and stillness. Venerable Robina Courtin’s voice has a wonderful earthy quality, deep and full of knowing, leading the listener back to the deep wells of ancient wisdoms always known, but perhaps forgotten along the way. Yantra de Vilder’s production and added vocals are wonderfully supportive, and are never intrusive or overpowering. The harmonies are otherworldly and sometimes unusual, always beautiful. The production is perfect, keeping the purity of the voice and its qualities to the forefront, adding natural sounding reverbs reminiscent to those one would hear in the old temples. This truly is an offering to the universe, both transporting and transformative – an elixir of sonic healing.” Inga Liljeström, singer